The Writing Learning Objectives and Outcomes libguide centers around learning objectives and outcomes. The importance of establishing goals for learning involves many aspects. Included are different methods and messages from a variety of sources. Some of our favorites include Bloom's Taxonomy, Fink's Significant Learning, and Wiggins and McTighe's Understanding by Design and their Backwards Design. They are centered around a common goal of being transparent and transformational for our students as they follow paths of discovery and demonstrating attained knowledge.
A message from Benjamin Bloom, "Creativity follows mastery, so mastery of skills is the first priority for young talent."
Below are images that highlight Bloom's Taxonomy, Fink's Significant Learning and Wiggins and McTighe's Backward Design.
Please contact with suggestions of additional resources to add to this libguide.
When writing your outcomes, keep in mind…
Learning outcomes should be SMART (TT):
SPEAK TO THE LEARNER: learning outcomes should address what the learner will know or be able to do at the completion of the course
MEASURABLE: learning outcomes must indicate how learning will be assessed
APPLICABLE: learning outcomes should emphasize ways in which the learner is likely to use the knowledge or skills gained
REALISTIC: all learners who complete the activity or course satisfactorily should be able to demonstrate the knowledge or skills addressed in the outcome
TIME-BOUND: the learning outcome should set a deadline by which the knowledge or skills should be acquired;
TRANSPARENT: should be easily understood by the learner; and
TRANSFERABLE: should address knowledge and skills that will be used by the learner in a wide variety of contexts
The SMART(TT) method of goal setting is adapted from Blanchard, K., & Johnson, S. (1981). The one minute manager. New York: Harper Collin