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INST 2608 -Theatre: Performing/Reforming Society

Course Description

There is much to learn about a society through its Theatre. An examination of plays from around the world, focusing on the human and social issues – both unique and universal – reflected in them. Exploring Theatre’s inherent ability to “hold the mirror up to nature” and challenging ourselves to look deeply into this mirror in order to better understand the human condition. We will also examine ways in which Theatre has been used as a powerful vehicle for social change. We will engage with the practice of Theatre to examine how specific problems facing the Columbus (and Otterbein)-area community can be considered and addressed in this context.

Library Session Info

Library Session Dates: 

Friday, 1/13/23: Libguide overview and introduction to library resources/effective search strategies

Feedback Survey Link

Wednesday, 3/15/23: Critical analysis and theatre scholarship, alternative and primary resources, and engaging with theatrical content and theory

**note: these sessions will take place in your regular classroom