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Library Virtual Arcade

A collection of virtual games and activities the library staff have put together.

Otterbein History Crossword

White boxes intersecting in various places across a black field; an empty crossword

Questions for the Across and Down sections of the crossword

Otterbein Word Search

Jumbled letters on a white field; "Otterbein Word Search" is at the top of the page

There are 27 words in this word search - can you find them all?

Plagiarism Activity

These are five big types of plagiarism

Type 1: Copy and Paste Plagiarism or Direct Plagiarism

When you copy a sentence, phrase, or paragraph word for word, but do not quote your source.

Type 2: Word Switch Plagiarism

When you rephrase a person's work and insert it into your own work without acknowledging its original source.  If you take a sentence from a source and change a few words without acknowledging your source, it is still plagiarism.

This is not paraphrasing. For information on how to correctly paraphrase, see When To Cite.

Type 3: Mosaic or Blending Plagiarism

When you: mix words or ideas from an unacknowledged source in with your own words or ideas; mix together uncited words and ideas from several sources into a single work; or mix together properly cited uses of a source with uncited uses.

Type 4: Insufficient Acknowledgement

When you correctly cite your source once, but continue to use the author's work with out giving additional proper citation.

Type 5: Self-Plagiarism

When you use a paper or assignment completed for one class to satisfy the assignment for a different class.  Even if you modify a previous paper or assignment, you must get permission from your professor/ instructor and correctly cite your previous paper.

Source: University of South Alabama

NB: While these are not all the instances of plagiarism, they are some of the most common ones.