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ASL 1000 & ASL 1100: American Sign Language

A guide to finding library materials about American Sign Language as well as deaf people and culture.

Book Searching

The OPAL (Ohio Private Academic Libraries) catalog is used at Otterbein. From the Otterbein library main webpage, look for "Find Books and More," and then choose "Search Our Catalog." Enter your keywords or switch to the author, title, or subject search via the drop-down menu. You can go directly to "Search Our Catalog" from this page by using the link below.

Selected ASL related books can be found by clicking on other tabs in this research guilde. Use the "Useful Subject Headings" links under these tabs to find additional books or do your own keyword search in the catalog.

If you don't find enough books in OPAL, which is Otterbein's library catalog, you can search the OhioLINK catalog (which includes materials from over 89 Ohio academic and public libraries). There is a link to the OhioLINK catalog on the Otterbein library webpage or you can switch your search from OPAL to OhioLINK by clicking on the "Search OhioLINK" button on your search results screen. Books from other OhioLINK member libraries can be requested directly from the "Request" link which appears on the screen in the OhioLINK catalog. Requested books will be delivered to Otterbein via a courier service and will be placed on the "Hold" shelf at the Otterbein library circulation desk for you to pick up.

Browse Call Numbers

Many books and media items related to the deaf, deafness, and ASL can be found between the following call numbers:

HV2350 -- HV2999

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