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FYS 1028: The Other in World Literature, Art, & Cinema

Resources and information relevant to the topics discussed in FYS 1028.

OneSearch Tutorial

Searching Power

Boolean Logic

Using the power of the AND OR NOT "Boolean operators" in between your searching terms enriches the quality of the information you find.

globalization AND economy = The search engine will find articles about BOTH these terms

children OR teens = use OR with synonyms to broaden the number of hits

children NOT adults = using NOT before a word will exclude a term narrowing the number of hits

Wildcard Symbol: Using the Asterisk * after a search term tells the database to look for several variations of words. For example global* will search for global, globalized, globalization.  Wom* will search for women, woman... some databases use the ! exclamation point for the wildcard symbol. 


OneSearch - Search for Articles, Books & More

Keyword Title Author




Find If Library Has Access to A Journal

When you are looking for a particular journal or magazine, always check the Otterbein A-Z list to see if we have it. 

If we don't have the journal you need, remember that you can always do Interlibrary Loan to get the article.