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INST 2806: Latin America: Orientations, Perspectives, Contexts

This guide will assist students in INST 2806 with their local ethnography research.


Welcome to the Courtright Memorial Library! This LibGuide will introduce you to available library services and resources to assist you in your class work and research.

image of library building from the side with trees and yellow leaves


Welcome to the library course guide wherein you'll find resources specific to the INST 2806.  This guide was designed to help you with your course work.  Use the tabs at the top of the page to find books, scholarly articles and more on your topic.

If you don't find what you are looking for or need help navigating this guide, don't hesitate to contact the author of this guide or Ask a Librarian.

Good luck with your research!


Meet with a Librarian

Research Consultation Graphic

If you are having a hard time getting started, or run into a road block with your topic get direct help! Schedule a Research Consultation with your subject librarian to get one-on-one assistance.