To see Course Reserves on the library website, click on Course Reserves on the main navigation bar at the top of the homepage. On the right, you can choose to either search for a course or an instructor. Type a course or instructor into the search bar and then click Search.If there are current course reserves for this class, you will see them along with their call numbers and loan period.
The location "Otterbein Reserves" indicates that these texts are held on reserve at the circulation desk. To access course reserves, simply request them at the circulation desk. These items are usually restricted to in-library use only.
Use the library website to find information on citing research sources. The link can be found by clicking Get Help located under the main navigation bar.
Scroll down the page until you see Citing Sources under Other Helpful Links. This link will lead you to the Citing and Evaluating Sources LibGuide, which contains links to resources on citation styles including APA, MLA, Chicago, and more, as well as tips on evaluating your sources and avoiding plagiarism.
There are many ways you can contact a librarian. Click on the "Ask A Librarian" graphic on the library main page for more information.
Reference phone number: call a librarian at the reference desk for questions about research
Circulation phone number: call a librarian at the circulation desk for questions about checking out items, fees, and your library account
Email: email librarians with questions
Text: text librarians with questions
Research consultation: schedule a one-on-one appointment with a librarian for help with research
Contact a librarian directly: find contact info for all Otterbein librarians
LibChat: chat online with a librarian
Booking a research consultation allows you to create a one-on-one appointment with a research librarian for in-depth research help. To book a research consultation, click on Services on the library main page.
Under Student Services, click on Research Consultation. On this page, you can fill out a brief form to request an appointment and inform the research librarian about your information needs. Complete each field and click "Submit" to book an appointment.
Be sure to request your appointment at least 24 hours in advance to ensure that a librarian will be available to meet with you.