Educators and students use our innovative video collections in the JoVE Science Education Library to better teach and learn key concepts and fundamental techniques at the undergraduate course level. These simple, easy-to-understand video demonstrations cover a wide range of STEM subjects including Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Psychology, Clinical Medicine and Engineering.
This unique collection features three model organisms commonly used in life sciences research; also covering methodology to maintain them in the laboratory.
This collection features topics in advanced biology, such as neuroscience, developmental biology, cell biology, and genetics.
The Otterbein library currently licenses access to the following streaming video collections. Information on the individual collections follows below. The collections include:
Swank Digital Campus provides streaming access to students and faculty for teaching and individual viewing. (These films do not have public performance rights, which means you cannot watch with a campus group or invite the public.)
The library is only able to make a limited number of films available through Swank. Please contact contact Library Technical Services at if you are a faculty member and are interested in adding a film to this collection. If we still have available space we may be able to add it.
If you recall seeing a film listed here in the past, it may be the license to that film expired. Please contact if you have questions.
A collection of unique and compelling films and documentaries. Films range from documentaries, indie, foreign films, must-see classics, and feature films.