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Nursing Research Guide

A helpful place to find information on doing research in the Nursing field. This guide is intended to aid in literature searches and looking for other materials in the Nursing and Allied Health fields.


This Nursing guide is designed to serve as a starting point for locating information on various aspects of the subject.  As your nursing librarian, I'm happy to help you with any and all research needs you may have. All of my contact information is on the right, so please don't hesitate to call or email me with any questions.

If you are experiencing difficulty connecting to a library resource, and I am not available, please contact us directly using our Ask a Librarian Service.

Reference: 614.823.1984
Circulation: 614.823.1215 ext. 4
Text a Librarian: 614.259.7404

Publishing in Nursing Field

Use the A-Z Journal List!

When you are looking for a particular journal or magazine, always check the Otterbein A-Z list to see if we have it. 

If we don't have the journal you need, remember that you can always do Interlibrary Loan to get the article.

Subject Librarian

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Jonathan Atwood
Subjects: Nursing

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