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Art with Studio Concentration

This guide will provide resources and assistance to students majoring in Art with Studio Concentration within the Art & Art History Department..

Choosing your artist

Part of your work for Art 1100 is to find design that inspires you. Along with this inspiration you will need to look at one artist whose work draws you in. An artist that is too new or obscure may have very little written about them outside their own web page. Using multiple sources can give you a fuller picture of the work done by an artist.

To find materials in the library, you will want to use the databases and catalogs listed under the books and articles tabs above.

Leyendecker Example

Final Note: As you use work that you find online think about how you use it and where you post. It is important to consider intellectual property in your endeavors.

Museums & Organizations

Museum web sites can be a great way to learn more about individual artists. As you learn more about an artist, you may see their work listed as being at a certain museum. Look for that museum's web presence.


As an example, we are going to look at the artist Takashi Murakami