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Opening Doors Spring 2022 - Lands, Real and Imagined: Women Artists Respond to the Art and Travel Writings of Maria Graham (1785 - 1842)

A look at how women "see' the world, featuring contemporary artists and female-authored travel narratives from the 19th century to the present. This material also relates to ENGL 2232 (Spring 2022)

Gender and Gaze

19th Century Reception (Contemporary Responses)

Women, Science, & the 19th Century

  • Thompson, Carl. “Earthquakes and Petticoats: Maria Graham, Geology, and Nineteenth Century ‘Polite Science.’” Journal of Victorian Culture. 17.3 (2012): 329-34 (Request through Interlibrary Loan)

Travel Writing

  • Hayward, Jennifer. “The Uncertainty of the End Keeps Up the interest”: Maria Graham’s Journal of A Residence in Chile as Life Writing.” A/B: Auto/Biography Studies 17.1 (2002)” 43-64. (Request through Interlibrary Loan)


Akel, Regina. Maria Graham: A Literary Biography. Amherst NY: Cambria 2009.(Request through Interlibrary Loan)