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Opening Doors Spring 2022 - Lands, Real and Imagined: Women Artists Respond to the Art and Travel Writings of Maria Graham (1785 - 1842)

A look at how women "see' the world, featuring contemporary artists and female-authored travel narratives from the 19th century to the present. This material also relates to ENGL 2232 (Spring 2022)

Leila Danziger - Featured Artist

Leila Danziger work anonimos

Artist, poet and researcher LEILA DANZIGER lectures at the Institute of Arts, Rio de Janeiro State University.

One of the vectors of her work is investigating the printed page (newspapers, books and historical documents), guided by the friction between micro and macro history, between family recollections and the constructs of memories of extreme violence. Her work ranges through an assortment of media, including printing and wipeout techniques, photographs, videos, installations and writing.

Text from artist's web page.

Responding to Maria Graham

Five female artists in each of the countries Maria Graham wrote about discuss her work and raise questions about travel, colonialism, understanding the land, and the female gaze.

Danziger's Working Bibliography

This list represents the works consulted by Leila Danziger as she developed her art in response to Maria Graham.


  • Graham, Maria. Correspondência entre Maria Graham e a Imperatriz Dona Leopoldina. São Paulo: Garnier, 2020. 
  • SIMAS, Luiz Antonio. O corpo encantado das ruas. Rio de Janeiro: Civilização Brasileira, 2020. 
  •  GOMES, Nathan Yuri. Mulheres e armas: um estudo de gênero a partir do retrato de Maria Quitéria de Jesus. Monografia de conclusão de curso, Instituto de Artes da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2018. p. 24. 


  • Portray of Maria, Lady Callcott (painted in Rome, 1819) 
    • oil on canvas by Sir Thomas Lawrence, 60 x 50 cm 
    • National Portrait Gallery, London, UK 
  • Leopoldina, Imperatriz Consorte do Brasil (posthumous portrait) 
    • oil on canvas by Luís Schlappriz (1860) 
    • Recife, Museu do Estado de Pernambuco, Brazil  
  • Maria II, Da Gloria, Queen of Portugal (1819-1853) 
    • oil on canvas by Sir Thomas Lawrence, 92.4 cm x 71.8 cm 
    • Royal Collection, London, UK 
  • Maria de Jesus (Maria Quitéria de Jesus) 
  • Augustus Earle (drawing) and Edward Francis Finden (etching), 1824.  
  • Commissioned by Maria Graham.  In: Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and residency there, during the years 1821, 1822, 1823.
  • Dragon Tree & Peak of Teneriffe. Etching, 1824. Drawing by Maria Graham; engraved by Edward Finden. In: Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and residency there, during the years 1821, 1822, 1823.   
  • View of Corcovado Etching, 1824. Drawing by Maria Graham; engraved by Edward Finden. In: Journal of a Voyage to Brazil, and residency there, during the years 1821, 1822, 1823.