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FYS 1090 The Creative Habit

Welcome to the Library

Librarians and research tutors provide assistance to both students and faculty with a wide variety of situations, including research, course assignments, and information literacy needs.   Please feel free to contact us with questions and visit with your librarian liaison today!
You can connect with a librarian or research tutor in a variety of ways:
  • in person at the library Research Help desk
  • Reference Phone: 614.823.1984 
  • E-mail:  
  • Text: 614.259.7404 

Regular Fall/Spring Term Hours:
Monday - Thursday 7:45am - 12midnight
Friday 7:45am - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 6pm
Sunday 3pm - 12midnight

Please see library website ( for special hours

Follow this link to see our staff directory.

Some useful staff contacts include:

Events and Programming - Kirsten Peninger                       Room Reservations - Becky Gale

Library Art Exhibits - Allen Reichert                                     Digital Commons - OPEN POSITION

OtterBikes - Gabby Freshly

Your Personal librarian can: 

  • Outreach, advocate, and support the University community
  • Provide assistance with resource access
  • Engage in collection development
  • Provide information literacy instruction

Follow this link to learn more about our liaison program and connect with your librarian today!

The Digital Commons @ Otterbein is our institutional repository; our collection of digital materials capturing and preserving the intellectual output of the Otterbein community.  

The mission of the Digital Commons @ Otterbein is to advance scholarship, promote research and cross-disciplinary collaboration through the dissemination and preservation of research, instructional and creative digital materials created by the Otterbein community, and sustain the historical legacy of Otterbein University.

Getting Started

Your Cardinal student ID card is your Library card.

Your library card number (or barcode number) is the long number at the bottom of your Cardinal Card.  It starts with 777 and ends with 8888. 

Use your ID card for:

Library Resources

Did you know that the Courtright Memorial Library provides access to not only over 170,000 print items, but also: 

Thousands of eBooks!

Streaming video titles from hundreds of academic and documentary production companies!

Journals, in print and electronic! 

Databases supporting every program taught at Otterbein!

Checkout the links above to start searching today! 
If you're looking for useful guides on how to cite sources or answer questions about copyright, check out the links below!

Using the Library Online

To log in to Library computers and online library resources use your Ozone and Otterbein Network login.

Learn more about searching our catalog and identifying relevant resources via OneSearch by using the Orientation Tutorial.

© Curtin University Library

Room Reservations

There are eight (8) rooms in the Library that can be reserved for course, group, or program needs.  Many are set up according to the University classroom standards, with projection equipment and computers.  Others, like Lois' Study on the 2nd floor, are perfect for collaborative group meeting spaces.

To reserve rooms, or to see availability and exact space and technologies associated, please see this Room Reservation link.  Questions can be sent to the Office of Events and Conferences by emailing

Off-Campus Access

Did you know you can still access our resources if you are off campus?

  • To access databases from our home page, use your current Otterbein username and password (Home Page)
  • To access databases through OhioLINK, select Otterbein and use your library barcode number (16 digit number at bottom of cardinal card OR your Otterbein ID number including the A) (OhioLINK)

For troubleshooting, see the page linked here (Off Campus Access)

If you still have questions please contact a library staff member at 614.823.1984 or