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Digital Video for Teaching & Learning

A guide for faculty interested in digital video in its various forms. Examples include digital storytelling student assignments, instructional videos, lecture capture, and/or video-based research projects.

Video Resources on Campus

Working on a video project? There are several places on campus where you can access equipment or assistance, based on your needs. Follow the links below for more information:

  • Faculty can get video-related training and support from the Center for Teaching and Learning. You can also work on your movies at the CTL Studio, which has a full set of production tools available and where CTL staff are on hand to help you.
  • Students who are working on video projects can contact the ITS Help Desk (614-823-3100 | for technical assistance.
  • Faculty and Students can borrow basic video-production equipment and laptops through the University Library.
  • The Library also offers licensed collections of video content that faculty and students can access. For more information about these collections and other video-related resources available through the Library, see the Streaming Video LibGuide (at right).

Troubleshooting Common Video Issues

These short handouts can help you fix specific video sharing or configuration issues. The list will be expanded as common questions and solutions emerge. If the problem you are having is not listed below, check the support information (at left) to get help.

YouTube Video Privacy Settings

The following video oultines YouTube's privacy settings and how to configure them. For example, you can set videos you have created as part of a project or a course assignment to "unlisted" so that others will be able to view them if you provide them with the link, but they do not appear in YouTube search results or directories.