Library of Congress Call Numbers
Most of the books and media materials at the Courtright Memorial Library are organized by Library of Congress call numbers. Here's an example:
The initial letters and the number that immediately follows these letters indicate the subject. The letters should be read alphabetically. The first number, directly beneath the letters, should be read as a whole number. Letters in subsequent lines should be read alphabetically, but the numbers in all subsequent lines should be read as decimal numbers rather than as whole numbers. Thus, an item with the call number GN 197 .J332 2013 would be shelved before GN 197 .J34 2013.
If the word "Folio" appears at the top of the call number, it indicates that the item is oversized and is shelved in a special section for oversized books, which is located at the far west end of the third floor of the library. If the word "Score" appears above a call number, it indicates that the item is a musical score. It can be found in the music collection in the library lower level.
Dewey Decimal Call Numbers
Dewy Decimal call numbers are used for children's books and for elementary and secondary curriculum materials. Here's an example of a call number for a juvenile non-fiction book:
The number to the left of the decimal point should be read as a whole number, while the number to the right should be read as a decimal. The letters in the second line should be read alphabetically, but the numbers in the second line should be read as decimal numbers, rather than as whole numbers.
Call numbers for juvenile fiction books are all similar to this example:
"JF" stands for "Juvenile Fiction." The letters in the line below that should be read alphabetically, while the numbers should be read as decimals.