Native Americans have long known the benefits of the natural environment and its ability to contribute to one’s wellness. This connection was critical to their survival for thousands of years, long before Europeans arrived in the Americas. Several years ago, I began my own self-study recording how I felt both physically and mentally when I would take my annual excursions out to the great expanses of the American West. I discovered that my physical and mental wellness benefited each time I immersed myself in the woods, mountains and rivers. The connections I made with the natural environment are difficult to describe with words, but there was no doubt that each of these adventures permanently changed my perspective and outlook on life.
I found this remarkable.
There are a number of recent scientific studies that point to a “Lack of Outdoor” activities (or as Richard Louv describes- “Nature Deficit Disorder”) that contribute to the high levels of depression, anxiety and stress in our society… in particular, with young people. As a designer and educator in higher education, perhaps the recorded experiences presented in this exhibition can speak directly to this audience.
To be well, one must invest themselves into the journey. I am deeply grateful to The School of Arts and Sciences at Otterbein University and their support that allowed my son and I to explore some 24,000 miles of roads, trails, rivers and coastlines in South Dakota, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington from the end of May to the end of December, 2017. That distance is just shy of circumnavigating the Earth at the Equator. Much of our time was spent in the presence of mountains, forests and rivers, where we were often the only humans set against the backdrop of a place remembered. This sabbatical leave allowed us to experience a special part of the planet during all four seasons. We came away from this adventure forever changed.
The exploration of places Out Here led us to discover peace within ourselves... a peace that is called wellness.
--Don Austin (excerpts from the exhibition description)
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