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Teaching Portfolios

Who we are...


Otterbein's Center for Teaching & Learning is committed to providing flexible and responsive development opportunities for faculty members at all career stages; for staff members who also teach; for part-time as well as full-time instructors; and for select initiatives that support student learning and the university’s educational mission. The CTL’s programming and services are faculty-driven and achieved through significant collaborations with other units on campus.

The CTL offers:

  • Consulting services (including confidential individual consultations, departmental workshops tailored to specific needs, and leadership development)
  • Programs and events (including  campus-wide workshops, Professional Learning Communities, reading groups, Course Transformation Institutes, and mentoring programs)
  • Resources (including a rich collection of resources in the Faculty Development section of the library, online resources in ePortfolio and LibGuides, and links to other local and virtual support materials)
  • The CTL Studio a faculty-focused, safe, and knowledge-rich space designed for creativity, innovation, and collaboration. The Studio features state of the art technologies that can support a wide range of learning goals and outcomes, but it's also an open location where informal visits are welcome.

Otterbein's Center for Teaching and Learning is committed to enhancing the quality of student learning through ongoing development opportunities for all those who teach.


Center for Teaching and Learning
Courtright Memorial Library, 3rd floor
hours: 9:00 am- 5:00 pm, Academic year, or by appt.
614-823-1921- fax

CTL Staff:

Kathryn Plank, Associate Provost for Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, and Mission, Academic Affairs Division

Jeff Smith, CTL Faculty Associate, Associate Professor, Mathematics and Actuarial Science

Peggy McMains, Program Coordinator

Building address:
138 W. Main St.
Westerville, OH 43081

Otterbein University
Center for Teaching and Learning
One South Grove St.
Westerville, OH 43081

Top Picks- Faculty Development Library Collection