For more information about Collaborate Ultra or to request moderator access ot the system, please contact the Center for Teaching & Learning ( | 614-823-1035).
Technical Support
If you encounter any technical problems while using Collaborate Ultra, see the information below to get help:
When you first attempt to enter a session in Collaborate Ultra, an Adobe Flash Player Settings pop-up window may open. Please select Allow and select the check box next to Remember, then click Close (at bottom) to proceed.
You can access the local Flash Player Settings Manager for your operating system:
For more information about the features and functions available in Collaborate Ultra, follow the links below to access Blackboard's Help content.
What's new?
Blackboard's developers are constantly adding new features to Collaborate Ultra as it expands and evolves. If you are interested in keeping up with changes in the system or if you notice something new in the interface, check the Collaborate Ultra Release Notes page for more information.
If you are disconnected from an ongoing Collaborate Ultra session, follow these steps to reconnect or to address the issue: