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Becker Gallery & Permanent Art Collection

Information on the Becker Gallery and the permanent art collection.

Purchased Materials

Courtright Memorial Library occasionally purchases art or posters for ongoing display. The library also displays some work from the permanent Otterbein collection. The library liaison to the art department (Allen Reichert) will work with the registrar of the University art collection to display works from this collection.

Gifts of art donated to the library will be examined by the library director and the art department liaison librarian. Any items we do not keep will first be offered to the registrar of the University art collection to determine if the item(s) would be of interest for the permanent Otterbein collection. If we decide not to keep the donated items we will first offer to return them to the donor. If they do not want the item(s) returned we will then either sell them and use the money for library needs or donate them to the Otterbein thrift store.

A list of the library’s permanent art collection is available. This list does not include nor does it pertain to the archives.