Research for articles or listen to music in some of these specialized databases.
Access to Grove Music Online and other Oxford music reference resources.
Includes scholarship published in more than 2,500 of the highest-quality academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and sciences, as well as monographs and other materials valuable for academic work. JSTOR is an archival database providing complete runs of back issues. Issues published in the last 3-5 years are not usually available.
A bibliography of writings about music featuring citations, abstracts, and indexes. It covers over 840,000 publications from around the world on traditional music, popular music, classical music, and related subjects. Coverage begins in 1967 and extends to the present.
The major newspaper for New York City and for US News.
For more detailed information on your NYtimes see this guide.
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Returning User?
If you already have an account through your Otterbein email you can also login to update your access as Single Sign On (SSO) and get what is known as an academic pass.
Follow the instructions listed above.
Single Sign-On (SSO) for members of Otterbein University permits you to use a single ID/password to access multiple related, yet independent, software systems.
Please note, the mobile app will require you to log into the system and doesn't have a direct login but you will be able to log in using your account.
If you already have a personal account: You can keep that account since it may have greater access to the NY Times site than the account you'll have through Otterbein. However, you can create a second account through Otterbein if you wish.