IF-AT Feedback
"The IF-AT is an important component of our Team-Based Learning approach. The immediacy of the feedback allows team members quickly to correct their misconceptions of the subject matter and, even more importantly, learn how to work together effectively. The IF-AT virtually eliminates the problem of one or two members dominating team discussions. "Pushy" members are only one scratch away from having to "eat crow" and quiet members are one scratch away from being validated and 2 scratches away from being told that they need to speak up. The impact of the IF-AT on student learning is dramatic, as rooms often fill with cheers and high fives when correct answers are identified--and moans when answers are missed."
- Larry Michaelsen, Ph.D. Central Missouri State University
Dee Fink, Ph.D. University of Oklahoma
Larry and Dee have given numerous nationwide workshops on Team-Based Learning incorporating the IF-AT. Click here for a video demonstration of the IF-AT used during Team-Based Learning. For more information on Team-Based Learning, please visit www.teambasedlearning.org.