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Equine Business Management Guide

This guide will provide resources and assistance to students majoring in Equine Business Management within the Equine Science Department.

What is a Citation?

A citation is a short description of a resource that is used in a paper or project.  Whenever you refer to or quote someone else's work, you must cite that source in your paper.  All the sources you use will be compiled into a list at the end.  This is called a Bibliography, Reference List, or Works Cited. 

APA CHECKLIST : From Indiana Weslayan Jackson Library.  This is a summarized list of APA details. 

Sample APA Paper : From the Owl at Purdue Univeristy.

APA Examples: From Lake-Sumter Community College Library

Parts of a Citation

Depending on the style, a citation will include title, author, date, page numbers, publisher, place of publication, etc.

(from UAB Lister Hill Library)

APA Manual

Reviews, Summaries, etc... The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association 6th edition. 

OPAL Call Number: REF BF76.7.P83 2010


The chapter/sections that are helpful:

Crediting Sources 6.31 pages 187-192  “Electronic Sources and Locator Information”

Reference Examples 7.01 pages 198-202  

Order of Author's names in a work with multiple authors 2.02 page 24   "the names of the authors should appear in the order of their contributions..." Which means that you as a writer keep the order of the names exactly as they are in the original citation.

What is a DOI?

The digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique identifier for citation linking services for scientific publishing in the digital world. It is another way for people to find things in the digital environment so it is helpful to include it in a citation if it is available.

APA recommends that you include this DOI when it is available for both print and electronic sources.  Some of the automatic citation makers include this and some do not. 

See the journal example with a DOI included on page 198 of the APA 6th edition.  

The web site called is a place where you can look up the DOI number for articles and include them in your citation.

How to use APA when making a Power Point Presentation

How to Format your Power Point with APA 

Useful You Tube Video is 7 minutes of advice on how to create your presentation and incorporate APA. 

APA Hints & Tips


The Library Research Tutorial lists several links to find APA help.

The APA Formatting and Style Guide from the OWL at Purdue : Purdue University library lists APA 6th edition examples. 

Writing in Nursing Bibliography : from the OWL at Purdue

Writing as a Professional Nurse : from the OWL at Purdue

The Writing Center from the University of Wisconson at Madison has APA 6th edition examples. The JOURNAL examples show the DOI in the citations.

More APA Examples