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Equine Business Management Guide

This guide will provide resources and assistance to students majoring in Equine Business Management within the Equine Science Department.

Equine/Veterinarian Web sites (IN PROGRESS)

Animal Legal & Historical Center 

CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention  Quality health information including environmental health, workplace safety, travellers health and much more. This is a registry of clinical trials that are being set up around the United States and the world. Contact information is listed and information on who may participate in the medical trials.   

Dietary Supplements Labels Database  This database organizes ingredient information on selected brands of dietary supplements. 

DIRLINE- Directory of Health Organizations A directory of organizations this web site give contact information and lists MeSH subject terms describing the disease, treatments and education.  

Drug Information Portal  This database offers quick access to quality drug information.

Household Products Database Health and safety information on household products.

Medical Word Parts and what they mean - National Library of Medicine's appendix to understanding medical words.

National Guideline Clearinghouse - A resource for evidence-based clnical practice guidelines.

National Library of Medicine  This web site includes the latest health news, press releases and is linked to many other specialized databases in the health and medical realm.

National Network of Libraries of Medicine I linked  to the Midwest Ohio region.  This is a listing of State of Ohio information for health and wellness web sites, professional associations and emergency preparedness.