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Public Health Research Guide: Resources for Public Health Educators

An introduction to resources that will assist in Public Health research.


Welcome to the Courtright Memorial Library! This LibGuide will introduce you to available library services and resources to assist you in your class work and research.

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Public Health Defined

Public Health is a branch of medicine that is concerned with prevention and control of disease and the promotion of physical and mental health and wellness of populations on international, national, state, county and community levels.

Community Health concerns itself with plans to improve the health and prevent disease and improve accessibility of health services for a whole community. 

Epidemiology is a narrower focus on the study of the interrelationship between the agent and host and environment. The study of disease outbreaks affecting human populations.

Definitions of these terms were written from the descriptions in the MeSH database in the PubMed Database.

  Public Health Reference Books

Public Health Matters

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Interested in Teaching Abroad?

Forum for Youth Advocacy (FOYA) Uganda, based in Westerville, sends students and professors on month-long trips to Uganda to work with partner schools and community organizations. Learn more about their work on the FOYA Uganda website or on Otterbein's Education Travel Experience page.

Contact Diane Ross ( or for more information.