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State Surveys & Tools - National Library of Medicine
State Surveys and Tools
- California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) - (National Cancer Institute, NIH (NCI)) - Provides public health information for California's diverse population. Results on a variety of health topics are produced for the entire state and most counties.
- Coming Out of Crisis: Patient Experiences in Primary Care in New Orleans, Four Years Post-Katrina-Findings from The Commonwealth Fund 2009 Survey of Clinic Patients in New Orleans - (Commonwealth Fund) - The Commonwealth Fund conducted interviews with patients at 27 clinics in 2009. The findings are encouraging: most patients reported having easy access to care, helpful communication with clinicians, good management of their chronic illnesses, and preventive care. When they needed care, costs did not deter them from seeking it. The results suggest that the locally based clinics could serve as a model for delivering primary care to vulnerable populations elsewhere.
- County Health Rankings - (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), University of Wisconsin) - Provides county-by-county health rankings in each of the 50 states, explanations of each health factor, and actionable strategies to improve the health of communities across the nation.
- Florida HealthFinder - (State of Florida USA) - A web-based tool which allows easy access to comprehensive Florida health care information.
- Medication Error Quality Initiative - (Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research) - Mandatory annual reporting of all medication errors observed in nursing homes in the State of North Carolina.
- National Network of Libraries of Medicine OHIO State Profile.
- Patient Safety Toolbox for States - (National Academy for State Health Policy USA) - This electronic toolbox is intended to provide states with tools they can use or modify as they develop or improve adverse event reporting systems. The toolbox includes information (policies, practices, forms, reports, methods, and contracts) related to states' reporting systems, links to other Web resources, and fast facts and issues related to patient safety.
- Region IV Network for Data Management and Utilization - (Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research) - Women and infant health indicators for planning and assessment.
- Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2009 and 2010 - (Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) US) - The survey finds that, based on initial legislative appropriations, Medicaid spending across states is expected to grow by an average of at least 6.3 percent in fiscal 2010. But officials in three-fourths of the states are concerned that those appropriations will not be enough, leading to more budget shortfalls and more pressures to trim services and spending.
- State Health Access Data Assistance Center (SHADAC) - (University of Minnesota) - Provides a focal point for coordination of state survey activities on the uninsured; funded by Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and administered by the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
- Survey of School-Based Health Center initiatives: Number of Centers and State Financing, 1999-2000 - The 2002 State Survey of School-Based Health Center Initiatives was developed and conducted by The Center for Health & Health Care in Schools. From July to October 2002, the Center surveyed all fifty states and the District of Columbia.The survey instrument consisted of 31 questions organized into 10 categories.