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Other/Non-Federal Data Sets - National Library of Medicine
Other (Non-Federal)
- Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care - (Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy & Clinical Practice US) - Incorporates 25 million data points about national, regional and local health care markets, as well as individual hospitals and their affiliated physicians, which will use to create interactive maps and features.
- Evidence Database on Aging Care (EDAC) - (New York Academy of Medicine) - An online database to help scholars, policy analysts, and advocates stay on top of the latest research in aging care, including social services, and care coordination. The database is maintained by The Social Work leadership Academy at The New York Academy of Medicine.
- Medical Cost Reference Guide - The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association fourth annual Medical Cost Reference Guide: Facts and Trends to Support Knowledge-Driven Solutions. The guide provides information on trends in the healthcare industry from nationally recognized data sources.
- Milliman Medical Index - (Milliman US) - The fifth annual Milliman Medical Index™ (MMI™) measures average annual medical spending for a typical American family of four covered by an employer-sponsored preferred provider organization (PPO) program. The MMI provides a consistent benchmark of healthcare benefit costs by annually assessing the changes in those costs over the most recent five-year period.
- Multinational Comparisons of Health Systems Data, 2008 - (Commonwealth Fund) - This chartbook uses data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to compare the health care systems of nine countries: Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Topics include: health care spending and health insurance coverage, hospitals, long-term care, physicians, pharmaceuticals, prevention, and mortality.
- QOLID - Quality of Life Instruments Database - (Mapi Research Institute) - Provides limited free access to information on Quality of Life (QOL) and Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) instruments. In-depth information is available on a paid subscription basis.
- The Quality Data Set (QDS)Framework - (National Quality Forum (NQF) USA) - Provides a common technological framework for defining clinical data necessary to measure performance and accelerate improvement in patients' quality of care. By providing a common language to describe the information within quality measures, the QDS enables quality measurement from a variety of electronic sources, including electronic health records (EHRs), personal health records (PHRs), registries, and health information exchanges (HIEs). The QDS framework is applicable to all care settings a patient is likely to use in his or her lifetime. This QDS framework creates a dynamic product that will enable versioning, growth, and expansion to meet future needs for measurement and guideline implementation.