In the event of a campus closure, emergency, or a disruption of daily activities, faculty, students and staff may need to work remotely to conduct classes and other academic activities. This online resource was created to help address some of the academic, "What to do in case of..." questions and provide guidelines related to tools, services and best-practices which can include asynchronous or synchronous activities delivered through an online platform. The goal surrounding academic continuity is to provide a pathway for uninterrupted teaching and learning throughout a given semester or academic year.
In order to ensure a responsible, safe and healthy learning environment at Otterbein, the institution will employ remote learning strategies as the standard method for conducting classes as well as related teaching and learning activities starting Monday, March 16.
Remote learning is defined as education that takes place over the Internet using a variety of digital tools. It can also be referred to as e-learning, online learning or distance learning. Regardless of the term, the defining characteristic of remote learning is that classroom activities take place across distance and not in a traditional classroom.
During this transitional period, your instructor may ask you to access some or all of these digital learning tools. Examples of digital tools used in remote learning at Otterbein include; Blackboard Learn, Collaborate Ultra, and Digication (ePortfolio).
Regardless of your level of experience, help is available in a variety of formats for faculty, students and staff who have questions or need instruction regarding remote learning, digital tools or academic continuity.
Ways to get support:
Center for Teaching and Learning: or 614-823-1035
ITS Help Desk: or 614-823-3100
Blackboard Collaborate Ultra: 1-888-788-5264
Digication ePortfolio:
Center for Teaching and Learning: 614-823-1035,
IT Helpdesk: 614-823-3100,
Otterbein University Police, 614-823-1222