Otterbein University and by association the Courtright Memorial Library have an open guest wireless network connection that is available for all library guests. To gain access, please look for the OtterbeinGuest network on your personal phone, laptop, tablet, or other wireless device. Once you click connect, you should be prompted to review and accept Otterbein's terms and conditions associated with that network. Once those terms are accepted, you should connect to the network automatically. This network will need to be re-connected to each visit to the Courtright Memorial Library.
Otterbein also has an eduroam wireless network. Eduroam connects thousands of institutions across the world. See or the link below to search through the more than 100 participating eduroam territories/institutions. If you are affiliated with an eduroam institution, you can sign in to that network with your entire network log in. Questions on how to log in with your non-Otterbein eduroam affiliated credentials should be communicated to your institution's IT department.
Welcome to the Courtright Memorial Library!
From studying on our first and second levels, to perusing our physical collection, or even just logging into a computer on our first floor, we make meeting the needs of our external community members easy.
Our Academic Term Hours are:
Monday-Thursday 7:45 am - 12:00 midnight Friday 7:45 am - 6:00 pm Saturday 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday 3:00 pm - 12:00 midnightOur Summer Term Hours are:
Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 6:00 pm Saturday Closed Sunday Closed
Sarah's Corner!
Ten years ago, in October of 2006, the class of 1956 graciously created a children’s library space called “Sarah’s Corner” in honor of classmate, Sarah Rose Gorsuch, who was a devoted Westerville teacher. The space they created has been used by the Otterbein Education Department both during the academic year as well as during the summer when the school hosts numerous reading clinics for area children.
Children in the community are also welcome to visit this child centered section of the library!
The Courtright Memorial Library extends borrowing privileges to the following external community groups and their card holders:
If you would like borrowing privileges but do not fit one of these groups, please see the Friends of the Library tab on the left side of this page to learn more. Those who graduated from Otterbein within the past year are eligible for a special discount to join the Friends of the Library (applicable for first year of membership only).
Our Code of Conduct applies to all library patrons, from students & staff, to our community and Friends. It ensures our facility is a welcoming place appropriate for all.
Our guest patrons are welcome to utilize our first floor computer lab, and printing services also located on the first floor. To gain access, external community members must complete a Guest Access Request Form (GARF) annually, and present valid federal or state photo identification with each visit.
The Courtright Memorial Library Guest Access Policy, or GAP, applies to guest patrons who wish to log-in and/or print via the Library’s first floor lab and/or color printer. We recommend that guests review this policy before coming into the Library and completing a GARF (see above).