If there is an editor instead of an author, you would simply insert the editor's name in the place where the author's name is now, followed by (Ed.). The rest of the format would remain the same.
General Format
- In-text citation, paraphrase: (Author's surname [of chapter or article], year)
- In-text citation, quotation: ([of chapter or article], year, page number)
Reference list citation:
Author's surname [of chapter or article], Initial(s). (Year). Article or chapter title. In Editor Initial(s). Surname (Ed.), Book title:
Subtitle (pp. page range of article or chapter). Place of Publication: Publisher.
- In-text citation, paraphrase: (Lawrence & Dodds, 2003)
- In-text citation, quotation: (Lawrence & Dodds, 2003 p. 256)
Reference list citation:
Lawrence, J. A., & Dodds, A. E. (2003). Goal-directed activities and life-span development. In J. Valsiner & K. Connolly (Eds.),
Handbook of developmental psychology (pp. 517-533). London, England: Sage Publications.