If a journal article has a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) listed, you will always include this identifier in your reference. You will not have to include the URL of the journal's home page or of the database from which you retrieved the article if a DOI is available
If you viewed a journal article in an online database and it does not have a DOI, you will need to do a quick search outside of the database to locate the URL for the journal's home page. This information must be included in the reference. If the journal is no longer being published and it does not have a home page, then include the URL for the home page of the database from which you retrieved the article.
If you viewed a journal article in its print format, be sure to check if it has a DOI listed. If it does not, your reference to the article would end after you provide the page range of the article.
General Format
Reference list citation:
Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2011). Research on adult learners: Supporting the needs of a
student population that is no longer nontraditional. Peer Review, 13(1), 26-29. Retrieved from Academic Search Complete database.
You can also name the author in your sentence. If you do this, there is no need to repeat it in the in-text citation. Be sure to provide the year (in parentheses) immedately following the author's name. If you are quoting the author instead of paraphrasing, be sure to also include the specific page number after the quotation.
Ross-Gordon (2011) found that adults who graduate from college, even when their educational goals are delayed, tend to be more likely to experience improvements in their economic situation.
According to Ross-Gordon (2011), colleges have varying degrees of experience developing "programs and services that are responsive to adults' life and learning experiences" (p. 29).
Does the information source you are evaluating pass the CRAAP Test?
The CRAAP acronym and descriptions are from the Meriam Library at California State University Chico.